
Our Pledge

It is simple: All donations to the CMSF will be used for furthering our mission and will not be used for salaries. 

The idea of starting an organization to further our efforts of conservation in the marine environment has been in the works for years.  We decided to dive in when we began looking into non profits.  Public non profits, which the Callie Mae Sea Foundation is, are just that: Public.  All public non profits have a board made up of members of the public that are there to ensure that the organization is operating in the public’s best interest.  Non profit organizations also cannot benefit a specific person – which is exactly what we want! We at Callie Mae Sea Foundation are volunteering our time, knowledge, and skills to leave the world a better place. This is why we believe that donations from the public should be used for education, protection, and research. Donations will be utilized to directly fund these pillars by purchasing supplies, paying for equipment, and allowing us to utilize services (like dive boats) to go out and make a greater impact.  You are volunteering your money – we will volunteer out time!

We would love to have a full time staff that can work around the clock on our mission, but we feel that donations from individuals in the public should not be used for salaries.  Right now our Erik, our Executive Director, is working towards building a Organizational report to highlight our accomplishments up to this point and lay out our  plan in how we see ourselves going from a new, small non profit to a leader in Marine Research Labs.

Please consider donating to the CMSF and watch as your contributions grow our impacts!

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